We've handled thousands of deals across Queensland
Our team of property lawyers have handled thousands of deals across Queensland. From large residential projects to commercial and industrial developments. You can see a selection of our property projects below.

Centra, Toowong
Mixed commercial/residential development
161 residential units and 2,000sqm of
commercial tenancies over 3 levels.
Aspect Property Group has been proud to work with Property Law Partners since its inception some 7 years ago, and previously for over 10 years with Director Renee Foot. With the ability to service the vast range of property development legal requirements efficiently & cost effectively, from smaller projects to multi-million dollar complex legal structures, all with a personal touch, sets PLP above the norm in Brisbane Legal circles. We look forward to continuing our relationship with PLP over the next few years, as we navigate through the myriad of challenges the Property Industry delivers.
Allan Larkin
Aspect Property Group
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Si Bilinga, Gold Coast.
High end residential
15 beach front Gold Coast apartments
My name is Ricky Fehervary, I am a licensed builder and property developer in the SE Queensland area.
I have known and worked with Renee Foot for 20 plus years and in that time Renee has consistently been my legal counsel on all of my development and building projects.
I have found Renee and her team to be incredibly professional with all my dealings in property from the initial negotiations of site acquisition, the on-going support around site acquisition extensions of time etc and through the course of the project dealing with tenants, owners, plan sealing, titles, the on-sell of the development whether it be houses, town houses, units, land subdivisions, retail and commercial property.
Renee and her team have been my sounding board with multiple purchases and serious property matters over the years. Renee is extremely knowledgeable and always provides solid and sound advice and is an excellent strategist. I feel that Renee and her team have my back the entire time and that to me is about loyalty, trust and dedication.
Renee has also been my legal counsel regarding positive mediation outcomes from projects that have attracted submitters during and post development approval, also supporting me in dealing with communicating with the local community in the areas that I conduct business.
I cannot speak or recommend more highly of Renee and her team, my property business and its success could not have been achieved without the dedication, knowledge and support I have received from Renee Foot and Property Law Partners.
I consider myself very fortunate to have Renee as a very close friend which has grown out of our business relationship over the past 20 years.
Kind regards
Ricky Fehervary - Principal
IDS – Integrated Development Strategies
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The Avenues, Toowoomba
Flat land subdivision
Master planned 530 lot subdivision across 13 stages.

Quilton Place
Industrial developments 17 lot industrial estate in Crestmead.

Planning and environment appeals
District Court BD 2807/19 Dreamline Development Corporation Pty Ltd v Brisbane City Council Multiple Dwelling 46 units – Impact Assessable. Application rejected by Council. PLP represented the developer in the appeal which went to a four day trial in the District Court. Appeal was successful and client obtained development approval.

Noir - Prospect Terrace, Hamilton
Ultra high-end residential development
Let's work on your next deal!
Get the process started and get in touch. One of our property aficionados will be happy to run you through our fees and get you started.